How to feel comfortable expressing sexual desires with your partner


In the depths of every intimate relationship lies a profound yearning…

A desire to express the unspoken, to bridge the gap between hearts and bodies, and to embark on a journey of uninhibited passion.

It is a sacred dance of vulnerability and trust, where inhibitions dissolve and souls intertwine. Welcome, seeker of connection, to a realm where we delve into the art of expressing sexual desires with your partner. In this profound exploration, we shall unearth the hidden treasures of communication, unravel the forbidden mosaic of desires, and discover the immense power of open dialogue. Prepare to embark on a transformative odyssey where pleasure meets authenticity and two souls merge as one.

Paige Bond is trained as a Marriage Therapist who specializes in helping individuals, couples, and ENM relationships with jealousy, people-pleasing, and insecurity.

As a relationship expert, she hopes to help people opening their relationship tame the green eyed monster so they can feel secure and love with ease.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to get started today.

Breaking the Ice

To begin the desired dance, we must first create a space that is safe, nurturing, and free from judgment. This sacred space is a sanctuary where partners can shed their inhibitions and embrace their authentic selves. It requires open hearts, open minds, and open lines of communication. Initiating a conversation about sexual desires can be a delicate task, but it is a pivotal moment that can lead to a deeper level of connection. Start by choosing a time and place where you both feel comfortable and relaxed. Perhaps you could suggest a cozy evening at home or a leisurely walk in a favorite park. The goal is to create an environment that encourages openness and vulnerability.

When the moment feels right, summon your courage and share your desires with your partner. Remember, this is not about imposing or pressuring them; it is an opportunity to open a dialogue, to invite them into the secret chambers of your desires, and to invite them to share their own.

Awareness: a two-way street

Active listening becomes the foundation upon which this dance is built. Be fully present as your partner speaks, giving them your undivided attention. Listen not only to their words but also to the nuances of their voice, the cadence of their breath, and the unspoken desires that echo in the silences between their sentences. As the conversation unfolds, be mindful of your reactions and emotions. Cultivate a space of non-judgment where both partners feel safe to express themselves fully. Embrace curiosity and ask questions to deepen your understanding of each other's desires. Through this process, you may discover shared interests, uncover hidden facets of your partner's desires, and forge a deeper connection that transcends the physical realm.

The Art of Teasing

Fantasies need not be confined to the realms of the impossible; they can be as simple or elaborate as your imagination allows. It could be as innocent as trying a new role-play scenario or experimenting with sensual props. The key is to find what excites both of you and to communicate openly and honestly about your boundaries, preferences, and consent. As you delve deeper into the art of teasing, let go of any self-consciousness or fear of judgment. Embrace the power of vulnerability, for it is in this space that true intimacy thrives. Trust in your partner's acceptance and willingness to embark on this journey of shared desires.

Remember, expressing sexual desires with your partner is not about replacing reality; it is about enhancing the connection and deepening your bond. It is about savoring the anticipation, the delicious tension that builds as you explore uncharted territories together.

Communication is Key

Cultivating a language of intimacy is essential to express your desires clearly. This language goes beyond words and delves into emotions, desires, and unspoken yearnings. Begin by embracing the art of "I" statements. When expressing your desires, focus on how it makes you feel, what excites you, and what ignites your passion. This approach allows you to share from a personal experience rather than imposing expectations on your partner. Using "I" statements creates a space to authenticate yourself without feeling judged or criticized. Navigating the path of clear communication requires practice, patience, and a willingness to be vulnerable. It may not always be easy, as fears and insecurities may arise.

However, remember that this journey is a shared one, where both partners contribute to the dialogue and growth of the relationship. If you're thinking about living with your partner, remember: before you start living together, embrace the discomfort as an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding.

Overcoming Fear and Shame

We must first acknowledge the roots of our fears and shame to release inhibitions. Society's messages, past experiences, and ingrained beliefs may have shaped our perception of what is acceptable or desirable. Recognize that these external influences do not define you or your desires. Embrace the truth that your desires are valid, beautiful, and unique. Self-acceptance becomes a potent weapon in conquering fear and shame. Embrace all aspects of yourself—the light and the shadows, the desires that may seem unconventional or daring. Understand that your desires are a natural and essential part of your being. By loving and accepting yourself fully, you create a foundation of confidence from which your desires can flourish.

Getting Kinky

Begin by engaging in open and honest conversations with your partner about your curiosities and interests in exploring BDSM. Create a space where both of you feel safe to express your desires and boundaries. Establish clear consent and safe words, and understand each other's limits before diving into this exciting territory. Discover the nuances of power exchange, bondage, impact play, or any other aspect that piques your interest. Seek out reputable resources, workshops, or communities where you can learn more about safe and consensual exploration. Remember, communication is the cornerstone of any BDSM dynamic. Discuss your roles, desires, and boundaries with your partner, ensuring that both parties feel comfortable and respected. Trust and consent are paramount in navigating this realm, so always prioritize open dialogue and ongoing communication.

Afraid to speak up on your idea of a perfect sexy night?

Get the people-pleasing workbook!

Final words

Expressing sexual desires with your partner is to create a safe and non-judgmental space for you to communicate openly and honestly. It is a testament to your love and commitment as you stand as a steadfast pillar of support, ready to hold space for their deepest longings.

Paige Bond (She/Her)

Paige Bond has training as a Couples Therapist who specializes in helping individuals, couples, and ENM relationships with concerns about sexual intimacy and relationship anxiety. She is also:

  • the founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida,

  • the host of the Stubborn Love podcast

  • and the creator of the Jealousy to Joy Journey to help people pleasing millennials navigate non-monogamy.

She’s invested countless hours of hard work and dedication into her therapy practice studying what helps build secure relationships - in monogamous ones and otherwise.

If you need a relationship expert to help you feel comfortable talking about sex, reach out today.

Paige Bond

Paige Bond is an open relationship coach who specializes in helping individuals, couples, and ethically non-monogamous relationships with feeling insecure in their relationships. She is also the founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida, the host of the Stubborn Love podcast, and the creator of the Jealousy to Joy Journey to help people pleasing millennials navigate non-monogamy.

Check out how to work with Paige.

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