Online Relationship and Polyamorous Marriage Coaching

You hate to admit your relationship landed here…

  • But you feel more like roommates than lovers and can’t even remember the last time you had a date.

  • You’re kept up at night wondering if your partner loves you as much as you love them.

  • Or you’re single and trying to get through a heartbreak from the person you thought you were going to spend your life with.

  • It’s like you’re in the middle of a Taylor Swift song constantly questioning if “I’m the problem it’s me.”

two hands forming a heart, symbolizing love in couples therapy near FL, SC, VT.

and you desperately want…

  • to be close to your partner without being afraid your love will smother them.

  • to talk about deeply emotional topics with your partner without thinking you’re “too much”

  • less fighting and more resolution in your relationship

Two men sharing a tender eskimo kiss in front of sparklers, symbolizing love and celebration after LGBTQ+ marriage therapy.

What is relationship coaching?

Relationship coaching is like having a personal cheerleader in your corner, helping you navigate the crazy world of relationships. They're like the ultimate hype person, giving you the tools and guidance to level up your love game. They'll help you set goals, improve your communication skills, and reignite that spark in your relationship. It's like having a personal trainer, but for your love life.

Wait, then what is relationship therapy?

On the other hand, relationship therapy is more like going to see a therapist for your relationship woes. It's a deeper dive into the emotional and psychological aspects of your partnership. You'll explore your past, your childhood trauma, and all that heavy stuff that might be affecting your current relationship. Therapists are like the emotional detectives, unraveling the mysteries of your mind to help you heal and grow together.

So, here's the deal.

If you're looking for someone to help you work through specific challenges, learn new skills, and give you that extra boost of motivation, relationship coaching is your jam.

How Relationship Coaching Can Benefit You

Individual Relationship Coaching

  • Learn how to feel the feels and speak up for your needs to put into practice in a current or future relationship

Couples Relationship Coaching

  • Learn how to manage conflict, communicate with your partner in a gentle way, and build your emotional and physical connection for a long lasting honeymoon relationship.

Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationship Coaching

  • Honestly all of the above AND:

  • Clarify boundaries you will ACTUALLY agree to

  • Manage jealousy that seems to trigger your greatest insecurities

  • Communicate more effectively with more dynamics involved

  • Move toward compersion so you can enjoy your ENM relationship

Transform Your Love Life with Expert Online Relationship Coaching Services

Are you ready to put your relationship on a better path and begin couples coaching? With training as a licensed marriage therapist, I want to help you strengthen your marriage! I understand taking the first step to reach out can be daunting, but you can begin online coaching with three simple steps:


    Scroll through the info to know what our coaching will look like.


    If my FAQ gives you a good idea of who you wanna work with, let’s chat!


    Say goodbye to those tired old patterns that kept you stuck. It's time to revel in the joy of newfound confidence and fulfillment.