Making the Most of Your Travels When You and Your Partner Could Benefit from a Break

Stress can quickly take its toll on any relationship.

This is because we often struggle to hide those negative feelings and emotions from those closest to us, while also being more prone to lashing out or engaging in meaningless arguments. However, the good news is that this does not have to signify the end of your relationship.

In fact, there are plenty of steps that you can take to get back on the right track again. For example, you could attend couples counseling to work through your differences and find a healthier outlet for your emotions. 

Furthermore, with various studies finding that traveling brings you closer to your partner, you may even want to look into traveling so that you can enjoy a change of scenery! This is because it allows you to step away from everyday stressors and focus on spending quality time with your loved one.

With that in mind, here are some top tips for making the most of your travels when you and your partner could benefit from a break! 

Discuss your needs/expectations.

While you may be happy to take on the brunt of the vacation planning, it's important that you ensure that you and your partner are on the same page before getting started. This means that you should discuss your needs/expectations relating to the trip ahead of time. For example, are you hoping for a relaxing beachside getaway, or something a little more adventurous? Would you like to spend time in nature, or a busy city? 

Figuring this out ahead of time will ensure that you can both get what you need out of the trip, while also making the rest of the planning process a lot more straightforward. 

Make the most of every minute.

When it comes to making the most of your travels with your partner, you need to ensure that every minute is spent wisely, especially if you have limited time on your hands. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can achieve this goal (beyond creating a second-by-second itinerary).

For example, if you’re visiting Barcelona and have an early check-out but a late flight, don’t waste time sitting in the hotel lobby or at an airport coffee shop when you could spend that time exploring! Instead, drop your bags off at luggage storage barcelona and head out on one last adventure, whether you’re looking for a bite to eat at a local restaurant or visit another tourist attraction. 

Turn off your phones.

While you may need to use your phones to bring up hotel confirmations or figure out how to get from A to B, you should try to avoid using them as much as possible during your trip. This way, you can make sure that your quality time is actually quality time, and that neither of you will be scrolling on social media when you could be talking or making memories. While we often pick up our phones and start scrolling instinctively, you’ll likely find this digital detox to be incredibly refreshing, especially as it opens the door for meaningful conversations and interactions. In fact, you may find that it makes you want to enact a no-phones policy from time to time at home, too! 

Be open to adventure.

While you may have a specific idea in mind for how you’d like the trip to go, it is important to remember that nothing goes exactly as planned. For this reason, you should also be open to a little bit of spontaneity during your travels. For example, it could be that you decide to skip over a tourist attraction in favor of participating in a wine tasting tour, or hike, or anything else that takes your fancy during this time. Being open to new experiences with your partner will only bring you closer together, while also ensuring that your trip is as memorable as possible. 

Keep a good thing going.

If you feel like, throughout the duration of your trip, you’ve managed to get back on the same page as your partner, it is important that you do not lose this momentum when you arrive back at home. Continue to communicate openly, and to prioritise meaningful interactions. Remind yourselves that you can get through this with hard work, love, and dedication. 

Final thoughts.

If you’ve realized that you need a break, or that your relationship is on the rocks, travel could be the exact solution you are looking for - and the tips listed above can help ensure that the trip is a success! 

Paige Bond

Paige Bond is an open relationship coach who specializes in helping individuals, couples, and ethically non-monogamous relationships with feeling insecure in their relationships. She is also the founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida, the host of the Stubborn Love podcast, and the creator of the Jealousy to Joy Journey to help people pleasing millennials navigate non-monogamy.

Check out how to work with Paige.

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