Steps to Create a Safe Relationship Where You Can Thrive

Everyone deserves to be in a relationship where they can thrive. They deserve a partner who supports and cares for them, and whom they can do the same for. This doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll need to know how to create a safe relationship for you and your partner.

As much as everyone wants this, many people struggle with it. There are plenty of reasons why that’s the case. You - and your partner - will need to have the right skills. You’ll both also need to put the time and effort into it. With the right steps, this shouldn’t be as difficult as you’d think.

Respect Boundaries & Consent

Boundaries and consent are a vital part of any kind of relationship. They’re part of the military sexual assault prevention strategy and similar policies for a reason. Take the time to put these boundaries in place. Both you and your partner should do this from the start of your relationship.

The key to this is actually respecting each other’s boundaries. These boundaries should span multiple areas. Sexual, physical, financial, and emotional are some of the more notable. Make sure your boundaries are firm and that your partner respects them. Do the same for your partner’s boundaries from the start.

Practice Active Listening

Communication is a fundamental part of a relationship. That doesn’t mean you and your partner should just talk at each other, though. Instead, using active listening is much better recommended. It makes sure you and your partner actually understand what each other are saying and feeling. This can be vital to create a safe relationship.

It offers more than a few benefits. Firstly, it makes sure you and your partner are on the same page about everything. It also helps you and your partner feel more comfortable talking to each other about sensitive issues, like opening your relationship. Make this a priority from the start.

Foster Accountability & Follow Through

There’ll be times where you or your partner make mistakes. This is natural in all relationships. The key to this is making sure both you and your partner are accountable for the mistakes you make. It fosters trust and helps you build your relationship more and more. It also highlights that there can be repercussions on the relationship.

These can depend on the severity of the mistakes, like a breach of trust. Make sure you actually follow through with this accountability. Your partner should do the same. In time, this builds mutual trust and loyalty, helping to make your relationship better and better.

You deserve to be in a safe relationship. Everyone does. This isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone, though. Instead, it’s something they need to work on. Working on more than a few areas and taking the right steps helps you create a safe relationship.

Some of these steps and tips will help more than others. You’ll need to be ready to work on them, and so will your partner. By both being committed, however, this shouldn’t have to be as complicated as you could think.

Paige Bond

Paige Bond is an open relationship coach who specializes in helping individuals, couples, and ethically non-monogamous relationships with feeling insecure in their relationships. She is also the founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida, the host of the Stubborn Love podcast, and the creator of the Jealousy to Joy Journey to help people pleasing millennials navigate non-monogamy.

Check out how to work with Paige.

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