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I tend to talk about subjects I’m passionate about like relationship anxiety and aspects of non monogamous relationships. Dive in to something below that strikes your fancy. I hope it helps!🎉

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Ted James Ted James

5 Ways to Find Inspiration in a Midlife Slump

A midlife crisis can mean different things to different people, but it’s also a very common experience. Fortunately, you can take steps to make this transition easier and find inspiration and vigor.

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Reignite Your Love Ted James Reignite Your Love Ted James

Navigating the Practical Side of Marrying Later in Life

No one needs to tell you that marrying later in life is quite different than when you’re younger. If you are about to marry or remarry as a senior, you must sort through many life areas and make important decisions that might impact your housing, retirement, finances, and more.

To transition smoothly and get the most from your relationship, you will want to prepare beforehand and have some honest discussions. Here is some simple advice for navigating the practical aspects of marrying in your golden years, courtesy of Paige Bond, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

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Ted James Ted James

If You Want to Be Happy, Stop These Bad Habits

Happiness and personal satisfaction are not a matter of circumstance. Being comfortable with who you are and where you are is a matter of choice. Unfortunately, many of us get caught up in the same old routine of life, and we forget that we have control over ourselves and our actions. Today, we’ll touch on a few bad habits that you may be holding onto that are holding you back from living your best life.

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Ted James Ted James

Overcoming Grief: Simple Steps to Finding Healing

Experiencing grief is, unfortunately, a staple of the human journey. While it’s normal to feel grief, you mustn’t get stuck there – it can and does have a detrimental impact on your health, reports Harvard Health Publishing. Left unchecked, your grief could stop you from living a normal life and even cause health problems – like burnout from stress and depression.

In this mini-guide presented by Couples Counseling of Central Florida, we offer some background information on grief and advice on how you could heal from it.

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