Welcome to my blog
I tend to talk about subjects I’m passionate about like relationship anxiety and aspects of non monogamous relationships. Dive in to something below that strikes your fancy. I hope it helps!🎉
Looking for something in particular? Search through the blog posts below:
How Cultivating Self-Compassion Can Improve Your Mental Health
Are you constantly criticizing yourself? If so, there’s a thing or two that you can learn about cultivating self-compassion. At its core, self-compassion refers to acting the identical way towards yourself as you would towards others. Read more to find out how to start this practice yourself.
Moving In Together Tips for Consensually Non-Monogamous Partners Taking the Next Step
Discover key insights and practical advice for ethically non-monogamous partners moving in together in this engaging guide.
Transforming Relationships: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Authentic Connection
It's easy to lose sight of the importance of self-discovery when it comes to building meaningful relationships.
Together, we'll delve into the transformative journey of self-discovery, the role of somatic therapy and healing, redefining success in relationships, and the significance of self-compassion and self-love.
What Relationship Anxiety Has to Do With Attachment
Happy relationships are the biggest predictor of quality of life and can bring os much joy and fulfillment. However, they can also be a source of anxiety, leading to doubt, insecurity, and fear.
Read to learn about what relationship anxiety is, what triggers it, the role of attachment styles in its development, signs and symptoms to watch out for, and real-life scenarios to help you better understand this complex issue.
What are attachment styles?
Recognizing and comprehending attachment styles can illuminate our relationships, enabling us to forge deeper, more fulfilling connections.
Exploring the Benefits of Swinging for Your Relationship: A Guide to Getting Started
Swinging, when approached with open communication and mutual consent, can breathe new life into a relationship. It's a journey of exploration that fosters trust, intimacy, and a deeper understanding between partners. Read about how it can benefit you and how to get started.
Navigate Divorce With Grace: A Guide For Ending Things Peacefully
Divorce is painful enough. With resentment and hate, that pain is exponential. Learn how to end things in a more peaceful, amicable way.
What Is Self-Sabotage and How Does It Show Up in Your Relationship?
What is self-sabotage and how does it show up in your relationship? Learn to recognize its signs and foster a fulfilling connection with your partner.
How Rejection Can Empower Your Love Life
Despite being one of our most common fears, rejection doesn’t have to be scary; rather, it can be a positive experience for all people involved that encourages honesty, openness, personal growth, and more.
Debunking Myths about Non-Monogamous Relationships
Unravel a more inclusive understanding of modern love with us. Let's debunk seven common myths about non-monogamous relationships together!
What To Look For When Searching For A Wedding Venue
Selecting the perfect wedding venue involves careful consideration, and one crucial aspect is its location. Find out how to choose the perfect place to say “I Do” on your big day!
How to Establish Boundaries in Non-Monogamous Relationships
Whether new to non-monogamy or looking to strengthen your existing relationships, this article provides ten effective ways to establish boundaries in non-monogamous relationships and create a solid foundation for a successful journey.
Embrace the Dance of Differentiation to Navigate Non-Monogamy with Confidence and Authenticity
Feel like you get wrapped up in your partner’s emotions? Or maybe you don’t even know who you are anymore because you’ve taken on the identity to please your partner. While navigating an open relationship, this can be common. But no fear, differentiation is here! Read the article to find out how to be authentically you and manage those tricky emotions.
A Beginner's Guide to Ethical Non-Monogamy and the Art of Swinging
Welcome to the thrilling world of ethical non-monogamy and swinging! From establishing clear boundaries to nurturing emotional well-being, this guide will empower you to navigate swinging with confidence and authenticity.
How knowing your Enneagram will improve your relationship
Discover how the Enneagram improves relationships. Understand your type, communicate effectively, and nurture deeper connections.
What's important to consider before opening your relationship
Want to open your relationship but don’t know where to start? Read this to navigate the complexities of emotional readiness, communication, boundaries, and more.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Polyamory and Open Relationships
Feel like you don’t want to know what your partner is doing in your open relationship because it’s just too much? Discover the rules to follow to feel comfortable implementing a don’t ask, don’t tell policy.
How to feel comfortable expressing sexual desires with your partner
Want to spice things up in the bedroom? Discover the secrets to feeling comfortable when expressing sexual desires with your partner.